Startups and innovative companies in Brazil registered under the Inova Simples special regime now enjoy priority processing for trademark and patent applications at the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO). This initiative bolsters the innovation ecosystem by expediting intellectual property rights recognition.

The Inova Simples regime was designed to simplify the formalization of startups and other innovative businesses. Eligible startups must be registered on the Redesim platform and provide a certificate verifying their status under Inova Simples when submitting applications through the e-INPI platform.

Advantages for Startups

Prioritizing intellectual property applications offers significant competitive advantages. Decisions on trademarks can be obtained in less than six months. Regarding patents, applications must already be filed and published, and the technical examination must be requested to qualify for expedited processing.

This expedited process is vital for startups participating in acceleration programs. These programs encourage strategic use of intellectual property to foster growth and safeguard small businesses’ innovations.

Understanding the Inova Simples Regime

Inova Simples supports disruptive or incremental entrepreneurial initiatives by allowing simplified formalization without requiring registration with the Commercial Registry. These entities, termed Simple Innovation Companies, may engage in the experimental commercialization of products or services up to the annual revenue limit set for micro-entrepreneurs (currently BRL 81,000).

This measure is another step towards creating a favorable environment for developing innovative solutions and attracting investments to Brazil.

If you are a startup looking to protect your trademark or patent, please contact us to learn how we can help.