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Agents from the Police Station for the Repression of Crimes Against Immaterial Property (DRCPIM) carried out a large-scale operation, uncovering a scheme involving counterfeiting and illegal marketing of CNG (Natural Gas Vehicular) cylinders and valves. The authorities’ incisive action aimed to ensure consumer safety and protect industrial property.

The person responsible for the establishment where the counterfeited goods were found was taken to the DRCPIM, where he will clarify the origin of the counterfeit products sold. Initially, he will face charges related to crimes against industrial property and consumer relations.

Using these counterfeit products in vehicles represents an imminent danger to everyone’s lives. The poor quality of the material used in these CNG cylinders and valves significantly increases the risk of catastrophic explosions.

Counterfeiting and illegal trade harm consumers and companies that invest in the research and development of quality products. In addition, using these counterfeit materials puts the lives of all users of vehicles equipped with CNG at risk.

The report warns of the seriousness of this crime and the importance of reporting any suspicious activity related to counterfeiting. The safety and integrity of consumers are at stake, and a concerted effort is needed to combat criminal practices.

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Source: Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro