A success among children, teenagers, and adults who are passionate about football, the sticker albums have become the target of hundreds of lawsuits in recent years. The reason? Players claim compensation for moral damages for appearing on the cards without prior authorization.

On the one hand, publishers claim that publications have historical and informative value. On the other hand, the sportsmen claim that their image generates profit without having endorsed the initiative and without receiving any percentage. And the fight is far from being pacified, as there are favorable and unfavorable decisions for both parties, depending on who judges.

At the São Paulo Court of Justice, only in November, at least 20 lawsuits related to this were ruled. The discussion is not new and processes like these have always existed, not only about print magazines but also video games. However, these processes have become more and more frequent from 2019 onwards.

Sometimes, players get damages – which usually range between U$ 881 and U$ 1,763. In others, compensation is denied. The result is divergent depending on the understanding of the collegiate responsible for judging the demand.

Source: Metrópoles