The president of BPTO, Cláudio Furtado, and the president of the Japanese Patent Office (JPO), Mori Kiyoshi, signed on November 9, the Memorandum of Cooperation for the renewal of the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) between Brazil and Japan. Through the PPH, Brazilians can use the result of the examination of the patent application at the BPTO to speed up the analysis in Japan and vice versa.

The new PPH will start on December 1, 2021, and last for five years. According to the PPH requirements, which are unified for all countries with that the BPTO has such agreements, up to 600 applications per year can be accepted, in any technical field. In the PPH with Japan (until 07/11/21), 309 requests were made, and 236 had a technical decision. The average time between application and decision was 316 days.

Source: BPTO News